Saturday, April 10, 2010

Heartbreaking week

  I'm so happy that this week has finally come to an end. Unfortunately my script was turned down by my so call "colleagues", I'm the director here OK? show me some respect FUCKER (I'll just use that word, I don't care anymore since Zinc is using it.), you people wanna do it your way I'm freaking fine with it (originally it was my idea...well, it was hard) because I'm totally flexible. The thing that fuck me up is I have to prepare the script base on their idea, I'm like a fucking scripting machine which is working for them. I don't feel like going to New Era College next week, we'll fail anyway.

  The hardest week is coming, how can I survive it? God won't bless me because I haven't trusted him since whenever (I can't remember, if u guys have heard me yelling, shouting or screaming "OH MY GOD" it was just an expression).
   I've been shutting myself up a bit lately but I still have to TALK to keep my social life ACTIVATING. When I hear something funny I will still laugh such as Zinc's coconut incident, sorry again Zinc, but it was way too funny for me.

P.S I don't want to be a living corpse.

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