Friday, November 25, 2011

Don't mind haters

Went to Sunway Pyramid today with Green and Zinc,as a pre-celebration hang out for Green's bday.

After lunch and some window shopping,Green n I served as wingmen to accompany Zinc to Sunway University,asking for some ACCA's info and you know,straight A students' stuff.

The adviser lady went through some brief idea plantation,for like.......more than half an hour.
I ain't grumbling, juz......forget it.

Here are some new vocabs I'd like to introduce to u:

Racist: someone who has opinions about others' colours and languages.And someone who obsessed with other races' cocks.

Hater: who does hate as a habit,and leave nasty comments at other's blogs,facebook pages,vlogs and most importantly, he/she hates him/herself.

Self-abuser: Self-abuse is an extreme fetish.They keep doing what they hate,such as read articals that they think are sucked.And keep doing it over and over,eventually they die in a mental institution.Alone.

Homophobia: Someone who thinks everything is gay,even their parents.And use nasty words against those poor minorities,causing the raise of suicide rate among these ppl.

Nazis: Idiots who tried to take over the world,they're not evil,just plain idiots.

So much for sharing.

And today Green forgot to let down her car's handbreak,no wonder it was lacking boost on the road,eventually it was burnt and smoked.We had to park aside on the road.
And everything almost................................................

P.S Gotta love her panic face.XOXO

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